Resolutions, Resolutions...

On New Years Eve, I was asked what my New Years resolutions were. I found that this question was a bit invasive, especially as I didn't know the person and I am a fairly private person. I answered anyway, but gave the short version to my list.

The first thing that came to my mind was my company.

I am so happy to have enjoyed such growth with Safiya Jamila. After starting off slowly in 2014, I'm so glad to say we've had a  successful year in 2015! I continuously think about how we can make it better in this new year and have a journal near my bed side because for some reason I always get great ideas in the middle of the night/wee hours of the morning. We are even more focused on what my customers say that they like, and don't like about the products.

So what are my resolutions (work wise):

+ Continue my yoga journey
+ Expand Safiya Jamila/Shop Positively Home's product list
+ Partner with like-minded companies to grow brand awareness and profits
+ Have a regular schedule for blog posts
+Travel :)

Happy New Year!