When One Door Closes....Build A New One?

Hi there!!

Happy (late) New Year to everyone :)
As you can see from the picture above, I'm still on my lovely island of Trinidad and Tobago. I went to the beach with my sisters and we took A LOT of pictures (we savor every moment through pictures lol), and while looking back on some of them I must say that I'm truly grateful that I can spend time with all my family members and friends and enjoy all the wonders that God has given me over the years.

In an older post, Back From New York, when I traveled to New York in November 2013, I made up my mind that I was going to move there for the new year and start 2014 off with a bang. I had it all set out in my mind and nobody could ever tell me that at this time I would not be in N.Y. by now. Well...I guess the universe had different plans for me.

At first, I was disappointed because I felt that what I had asked for had not come to pass in the timing that I originally wanted because of unforeseen circumstances. I know that whatever you ask for, and truly believe in, you will ultimately receive it, right? A little doubt crept into my mind in the past few days and it's definitely not a great feeling, but I've turned that doubt into faith and still believe that I will be in N.Y very soon :)

Now that I've replaced that doubt with faith, hope and love, I can focus on what's before me and appreciate every moment that I have; whether it be in Trinidad or in Florida or in New York.

I don't usually open up this much on the blog, but hopefully this will be able to help someone who might be feeling the same way I was a couple days ago.

I'm so confident that the universe has great things in store for me that I'm willing to be grateful for the little things now, so that when better comes I will already be in the habit of gratitude. Hopefully I can update you on my N.Y arrival soon *huge smiles*

Thanks for popping by!

With gratitude,
Safiya Jamila

Photo credit: Safiya Jamila Team