My Stay At The Disney Contemporary Resort


It's getting pretty close to Christmas day (two days to be exact) and this is my first Christmas/Holiday season on my blog so I'm over-the-moon excited to be able to achieve one of my long awaited goals, and I'm pretty darn proud that I've made it this thanks for reading, and hopefully enjoying the posts!!

As stated in my post last week, Disappearing Act | Healthy #ChristmasChallenge, I stayed at The Disney Contemporary Resort right before my departure from Orlando to Trinidad. I'm totally an Orlando girl after spending a couple years there, but never really ventured into the Disney district that much (yeah...I know, I'm pretty boring). After spending a couple nights at the resort, I was really bummed that I hadn't gone to Disney more often because not only was the resort really nice, but Disney itself is so full of life that I absolutely loved being there.

In the hotel, there was this huge train track running through from one end of the hotel to the next, and basically there was no space to fit rooms in the middle of the hotel. So all rooms either had a view of Disney Land, and that enabled you to see the fireworks every night, or a view of the pool and the lake, which allowed you to see the sun rising and all the fun daytime pool activities could be seen too! I stayed on the lakeside view which never failed to impress with it's amazing sunrise. Now...I'm not a huge morning person, anyone who knows me can definitely tell you that, but that was definitely worth waking up for a couple minutes before crawling back into bed for a quick nap :)

Ok, so below are some photos I took of the room with my Blackberry, so they might be a little grainy. I must say that for a hotel that had sooo many kids, the decor was definitely a little more grown up than I had expected, but nonetheless I enjoyed the room.

Bed + Seating Area w/ Pouf @ The Disney Contemporary Resort
Truly, the only thing that spurred a little of the kiddie-spirit in my were the yellow pillows; especially the one with Mickey Mouse on it. Other than that I thought that the room was pretty grown-up. Now, I'm not sure that all the rooms at the resort were the same as mine so the jury is still out on how kid-friendly the rest of the resort is.

I adored, I love-love-loved the use of dark woods (my absolute favorite), tones of greens, and also the pop of yellow was the perfect contrast for this room. Check out the over head lighting near the head of the bed....what a gorgeous reflection it creates on the bed-head fabric right?! I kinda wished that the fabric had a hint of sparkle to it to make the room have even more Disney magic!

Bathroom Tiles + Sink Area @ The Disney Contemporary Resort
The bathroom tiles have this gorgeous chocolate accent to them that I totally fell for (not literally...hehe) and everything just blended in with the contemporary theme. I must say that the designers did a great job in my eyes, and my favorite part of the bathroom was the was super huge and again, went well with the entire scheme. What are your thoughts on the room? Feel free to leave any comments of likes or dislikes :)

View from the Balcony @ The Disney Contemporary Resort
Not sure if you'll see a post before or after Christmas, but just in case, Happy Holidays!! *hugs*

Thanks for popping by!

With gratitude,

Photo credit: Safiya Jamila Team