Disappearing Act | Healthy #ChristmasChallenge

Hi guys!

Hope everyone's preparations for the holiday season are coming along well...I know how busy this season can be. I, for one, am probably the poster child for holiday-madness this year because I not only tried to pack up my place in Florida for a mighty huge move, but I also had to ensure that everything at my new destination was in order (will tell my secret destination when the time is right).

In addition, I had to fly to my homeland to spend the holidays with my family and old friends; so I'm actually blogging from Trinidad & Tobago in the warm and extra breezy Caribbean climate *lucky me* :) The flight process to actually arrive in Trinidad was pretty long because I had a stop over in Panama City, Panama. It was pretty awesome to experience another airport where they mostly spoke Spanish, but I did have a bit of a wait in Panama, so I basically spent the entire day traveling! How gorgeous is the lovely view I wake up to here in Trinidad?!...This is probably the cause of my disappearing act ;)

While I was in Florida last week, I spent a little time at the Disney Contemporary Resort and had a pretty nice time. The room had a balcony facing the pool and lake area, which I loved because every morning I got to see the sun rising; and the sunlight hitting the lake creates the most calming feeling ever and is perfect for early meditations! 

I'm very fond of teas these days. My neighbor in Florida just came back from China, right before I left, and she gave me these Chinese Black & Green teas, which from my mini research both have great health benefits-- weight loss, lowers cholesterol and gives your body antioxidants. So, before she gave me these teas, I started to realize that I put on about 5 pounds. Now, I have always been pretty slender, but finding that my size zero jeans from over 7 years ago couldn't fit anymore, the alert button in my brain went off and i started to think of the all the foods I've been consuming (most of which are fried).

Since that alert went off, I've been trying to eat healthy in the morning by having tea and fruit.....but by lunchtime, I always find myself cheating my healthy diet in some way because I've been eating badly for my entire life so far. I really am going to try for the rest of this week to keep consuming healthy foods so that I can fit back into my beloved jeans :) I shall keep you updated, but till then, happy Friday *hugs*.

Thanks for popping by!

With gratitude,

Photo credit: Safiya Jamila Team