Love In The Sky

Love in the sky, Florida
Happy Tuesday!

The holiday season has basically crept up on me and I can't believe that we're already in December!! This is my most favorite part of the year because I really love everything associated with Christmas; and of course with the holiday season comes lots of LOVE....either from family, friends or perfect strangers.

I believe it was probably a couple weekends ago that I took the photo above. I recall being in an overall great mood that day, then when I happened to look up and see a tiny plane making the words "LOVE GOD" in the sky it took my mood from 10 to like 100! I loved the idea that the message was so sweet and sincere and basically came out of nowhere. So as you can tell I was affected in a positive way by this gesture because after such a long time of having taken the picture, I'm still talking about it and wanting to share it with you guys. >>I'm actually wondering if the person who wrote the words thought that someone would have loved the gesture this much?? Hmmm.....

I have been on a personal mission since last year to make myself into a more positive person after watching the documentary "The Secret" and reading a couple different books which promote success and self love (I'll speak about those in a later post), and so far it's been a 50/50 process for me. Of course we all have good days and bad days, but when I try really hard to ensure that I have an amazing day, for some reason I get great incentives *like the message in the sky* to continue being positive.

I've posted a message about love in a previous post called Love...With All Your Heart, but I think this post is definitely my favorite of the two because I actually got to take the picture and experience the feeling of love while looking at the word as it was being drawn in the sky. I really do hope that the message of love touches everyone in some way this week and that we're are able to pass it onto others because it's definitely a contagious and wonderful feeling.

Thanks for popping by!

With gratitude,
Safiya Jamila

Photo credit: Safiya Jamila