Not Your Regular Home Theater...

Hey guys!

Last week I was a little delinquent on the blog because I literally had so much going me I did wanna squeeze in some blog posts but I didn't want them to be of a rushed/lower standard so I decided to wait till I really had time to sit and write : )

So back to the regular scheduled program!

When I first came to Florida, and I visited a few friends' homes, I noticed that the higher end homes had really cool movie theaters in them. I was fascinated by the thought of having a room separate from the regular TV room because I had never seen anything like that in my friends' home in Trinidad (maybe there were people with them...but I guess I didn't know them lol). The thought of doing a post on really elegant, and luxurious home movie theaters popped into my head when I was visiting one of my friends last week and saw her theater. We basically have the same style and I knew if I were to have a theater, that's exactly how I'd want it to look....not overly manly, nor too feminine.

These examples below show the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy in a luxurious space that everyone can enjoy with family and friends.

The sectional with the oversized ottoman in the 2nd image makes the space really feel like a regular living area, and the side chairs with the mini ottomans in the 1st image add to the luxury of the space without making the space feel like it's an actual theater. Many times designers tend to go the simple, regular route by choosing to just place some leather theater chairs with cup holders and stop the design process there....but I think when the area is made to look a lot more like a living area, it is more appealing and the owners will want to use the space more often.

This theater is a little more old school compared to the other one above it, but I really like this one because of the neutral color scheme and also because of the decor added to create the movie feel to the space. The framed movie posters are really fun additions, and how cool are the sweets in the transparent hurricanes/food-containers?! Adding color through food is always a fun way to spice up any area without having to change fabrics or paint.

What are your favorite movie theater decor accents? And which interior did you like from the post? If you have any movie theater spaces that you wanna share, tweet them to me or leave a link in the comment box!

Thanks for popping by!

With gratitude,
Safiya Jamila

Photo credit: Please Stand byImage 1 & 2; Image 3