Do It Dali Style!!

Hi Everyone!

I love looking at amazingly great art and adoring artist's work, so when the opportunity arose for me to go to St. Petersburg, Florida I knew I had to visit The Dali Museum. Salvador Dali is well known around the world for his amazing art pieces that each have a story in its own. Some of his pieces are housed at The Dali Museum, and don't get me wrong, I really was interested in the art, but I was fanatically excited to see the building which housed the art pieces!!

The Dali Museum was designed by architect Yann Weymouth and to me definitely expresses some of Dali's work, just in the form of a structure.

The Dali Museum

The 'Enigma'- the glass bubble- is made up of 1062 Triangular Glass Pieces
The rest of the exterior structure is rectangular in shape and so the 'enigma' steals the show as guests/patrons walk up towards the building.

Closer look at the 'Enigma'
The ground floor had merchandise which could be purchased and was said to be the largest collection in the world of pieces inspired by Dali. The third floor, where visitors land, houses 96 Dali paintings and it is where the best view of the 'Helical Staircase' can be seen.

Helical Staircase

Helical Staircase
The visit was a truly amazing experience and I loved every minute of it!

*Photo Credit of 1st Image: The Dali Museum